What is CMS?
CMS stands for Content Management System. A CMS system allows you to make changes to your site yourself. We set you up a control panel, you just type in your username and password and choose the page you wish to change, open it and start typing. Once you're finished, you just press the save button and your changes appear on your web page.
How can you only charge $249...
for a site when other companies have quoted me much, much more? For a start we use CMS, which is software that has been developed by software experts worldwide. This is the backbone of your site. If we had to develop a new backbone every time we created a new website we'd have to charge much more for our services. In our case we use the most popular and industry standard CMS (Content Management System) Wordpress. Since we don't have to reinvent the wheel, our costs are much less. Furthermore we create less complicated sites using less graphics. Fancy graphics are what often run up the cost of a website.
I have heard about being "locked in". What is that?
We use standard Open Source Software which runs 90% of the internet. The CMS system we use is Wordpress. The database is MySql and your website will run on a standard Linux server. Nothing we use is proprietary. All code used is open source. This means you can take your site to another webmaster or server at any time you please without difficulty or added cost.
Why Wordpress for the CMS?
We've looked at many systems including Joomla, Mambo and PhpNuke but Wordpress wins out for the fact that it is now the industry standard. Millions of websites are built on the Wordpress platform. We've found that people who can use a word processor such as MS Word can easily be up and running and editing their new website in less than an hour. And that's with directions and help from us over the phone! Don't worry, if you make a mistake or simply get lost, we're only a phone call away.
What if I want to add extra pages to my site?
You can create as many web pages as you wish through the control panel. You can have a virtually unlimited number of pages in your website. We only specify the number of pages that we will create as part of our project in terms of providing a fixed quote. You'll be shown how to add new pages or employ us to do it for you.
Is it possible to upgrade my site to an eCommerce site?
All of our CMS based websites can be upgraded to accommodate eCommerce, whether for thousands of products, or only one.
Your website layout
Choosing a style
often, the most difficult part clients find in working with us to
build a website is deciding on a style to base their website around.
We've tried to make it easier by giving you a link to a site with website styles to ponder over. There are thousands to choose from, so don't let them all turn your brain into jelly.